Research and Monitoring
- Sustainability
- Forest Management
- Research and Monitoring
We strive to continuously improve our environmental practices in both our mill site and forest operations, where we incorporate best practices and knowledge of the boreal forest to reduce our environmental footprint. Findings from these efforts have provided the industry with an advanced understanding of boreal environmental science and ecosystem-based forest management.
To assess our environmental performance, we conduct implementation monitoring to ensure we are conducting forest operations in accordance with our Forest Management Plan and all relevant government regulations. We also conduct effectiveness monitoring in partnership with independent scientists and research organizations to monitor biodiversity and ecosystems within the FMA area. Effectiveness monitoring data helps us determine if we are achieving our objectives and learn if we need to adjust our actions.
Independent scientists lead our research and monitoring activities from the following accredited institutions:
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
- University of Alberta
- University of Calgary
- InnoTech Alberta
- University of Saskatchewan
- Biodiversity Pathways
- fRI Research